A two hour sea voyage with Captain Spiros’ boat takes you to the magical Hytra rock islet

One of the most pleasurable parts of a trip to Kythera is a visit to the skerry of Hytra or else Avgo (Egg), located at a short distance across the harbor of Kapsali. On its south side there is a cave with enchanting colors both in the exterior and on the seabed.

At the end of the cave there is a haven for seals. Going up on the isle requires attention, as the ground is steep and rocky. At a particular hour of the day the sun shines into the cave of of Hytra, ‘painting’ the waters turquoise and the walls golden. You can get there by boat from Kapsali and swim inside the cave.

Being 200m long and 22m high, it is one of the most spectacular in Greece. The rare and protected species of falcons (Varvaki) build their nests on these steep rocks. Also, the island’s local “flower” Sempreviva, blooms on this difficult terrain, handpicked each June by experienced locals only. The only way to visit Hytra is with your own boat or with famous Captain Spiros and his boat, “Alexandros”!

How to get to Hytra Island